The PDCA cycle (Plan, Deploy, Control, Adjust)Blog is a quality inspection software for brands, inspection bodies, laboratories and suppliers.


BY Camille - Marketing / ON Jul 06, 2024

The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle is an interactive problem-solving strategy aimed at improving business processes. Created by Walter Shewhart and popularized by W. Edwards Deming, this cycle promotes continuous improvement by allowing for constant iterations and adjustments.

The stages of the PDCA cycle

This cycle of four phases also called “Deming Wheel” forms a virtuous circle and is based on repetition. Its four phases are:

  1. Plan: Define objectives, success indicators and identify risks.
  2. Deploy: Implement the plan on a small scale to test its effectiveness.
  3. Control: Analyze results and identify deviations from objectives.
  4. Adjust: Make corrections and standardize improvements before starting the cycle again.

Use and benefits

The PDCA cycle is useful for streamlining repetitive processes, developing new business processes, and encouraging continuous improvement. Its main benefits include flexibility, rapid implementation of changes, and harmonization of processes across the organization.

Qbook helps you with PDCA is an intelligent and innovative quality control platform. Equipped with various features such as corrective action plans and numerous KPIs, it makes applying the PDCA method simpler.