Increasing the global productivity of quality controls
In economics, the productivity is defined by the relation in volume between a production and resources used to get it.
The production of consumer goods is defined by a whole value chain with several players or resources at each step of the manufacture.
In this way, to guarantee the success of a product, brands or « order-givers » organize a whole quality process at each step to make quality controls with various players (internal quality inspectors, service companies, inspection laboratories, suppliers, factories).
The quality controls today
It is easy to understand that the more players there are, the longer and the more expensive the quality will be.
In fact, each player has its own inspection procedures, very few digitalize – since the 80’ quality inspection procedures have not or sparsely evolved! – and its own reporting formats which involved a monumental waste of time to secure data. It is hard, in such circumstances, to have a reliable and complete KPI.
Furthermore, new standards requirements of the market penalize a lot the quality budget which is redirected to societal services (social and environmental audit, CSR).
So due to the lack of sufficient budget, the quality controls are usually limited to the riskiest orders and to an approach simply corrective putting at risk the brand on its other products.
Unfortunately, usually every order is not controlled letting possibly defective pieces passed which is prejudicial for the image of the « order-giver » company.
It is therefore essential to find a way to get benefit from the best quality results:
- Increasing a budget already heavy is not a solution
- Better dispatching quality controls according to risks and empowering the key actors of the chain in real time seem to be the solution
The necessary reorganization of the quality process
We have seen it previously: the plurality of players in the quality branch prejudiced the budget and the quality results.
It is therefore necessary to decrease the number of players in the quality process.
The higher budgetary cost in the quality process is the independent inspection companies which especially act when the risk is high.
Empowering gradually players and factories in their own approach and quality controls will allow to avoid later inspection companies.
Advantages of the players’ empowerment who will became more and more independent:
- Working with inspection companies will become less and less necessary
- The suppliers will feel valued and therefore more involved in the quality results
- 100% of the orders could be controlled
The autonomy of suppliers is the key to the quality controls productivity.
But before happening, it will be necessary to regularly evaluate quality performances and help them, if required to, be more and more efficient especially by training them.
The platform, an intelligent facilitator of the quality process
Thanks to their knowledge of requirements and pressures of the quality process of the production chain, the developers have imagined an innovative solution which releases the quality managers. Their goal is to facilitate their job while making them savings on their quality budget.
Among other things, the platform allows you:
- to fill the inspection report on tablet by the various suppliers
- the access in real time to quality results
- the consolidation of all data from quality controls of all suppliers
- the evaluation of suppliers about their results
- the better control of 100% of the goods
- the budgetary savings on the inspection companies
- and much more
Do not hesitate to ask for a demonstration of this platform and you may come into our users’ community for taking part in regular improvements of the platform, at the same rhythm of the new market requirements.